
September 22, 2021
Mattsson M-O, Simkó M and Foster KR (2021) 5G New Radio Requires the Best Possible Risk Assessment Studies: Perspective and Recommended Guidelines. Front. Comms. Net 2:724772. doi: 10.3389/frcmn.2021.724772 The development and establishment of mobile communication technologies has necessitated assessments of possible risks to human health from exposures to radio-frequency electromagnetic fields (RF EMF). A number of expert...
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Source: Exclusive: In his first meeting with the cohort of State Department staffers affected in Cuba and China, the secretary of state spent more than an hour offering reassurances and fielding questions. Sept. 21, 2021 By Josh Lederman and Brenda Breslauer WASHINGTON – U.S. diplomats suffering from the unexplained “Havana Syndrome” used a tense meeting with Secretary...
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