
August 2021
Even if your phone says it's connected to the next-generation wireless standard, you may not actually be getting all of the features 5G promises—including defense against so-called stingray surveillance devices. #security— WIRED (@WIRED) August 10, 2021 You may not have the full story about what network you’re on—and how well you’re protected. IN NORTH...
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PERSPECTIVE article Front. Comms. Net., 10 August 2021 | Foster KR and Vijayalaxmi (2021) Needed: More Reliable Bioeffects Studies at “High Band” 5G Frequencies. Front. Comms. Net 2:721925. doi: 10.3389/frcmn.2021.721925 One major source of controversy related to possible health effects of radiofrequency radiation (RFR) is the large number of reported statistically significant effects of exposure, over the...
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Colciago, A.; Audano, M.; Bonalume, V.; Melfi, V.; Mohamed, T.; Reid, A.J.; Faroni, A.; Greer, P.A.; Mitro, N.; Magnaghi, V. Transcriptomic Profile Reveals Deregulation of Hearing-Loss Related Genes in Vestibular Schwannoma Cells Following Electromagnetic Field Exposure. Cells 2021, 10, 1840. Abstract Hearing loss (HL) is the most common sensory disorder in the world population. One common cause...
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Ryan W. Logan, Brant P. Hasler, Erika E. Forbes, Peter L. Franzen, Mary M. Torregrossa, Yanhua H. Huang, Daniel J. Buysse, Duncan B. Clark, Colleen A. McClung, Impact of Sleep and Circadian Rhythms on Addiction Vulnerability in Adolescents, Biological Psychiatry, Volume 83, Issue 12, 2018, Pages 987-996, ISSN 0006-3223, Abstract Sleep homeostasis and circadian function are important...
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Gregory D. M. Potter, Debra J. Skene, Josephine Arendt, Janet E. Cade, Peter J. Grant, Laura J. Hardie, Circadian Rhythm and Sleep Disruption: Causes, Metabolic Consequences, and Countermeasures, Endocrine Reviews, Volume 37, Issue 6, 1 December 2016, Pages 584–608, Abstract Circadian (∼24-hour) timing systems pervade all kingdoms of life and temporally optimize behavior and physiology in...
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Source CPO Magazine SCOTT IKEDA, AUGUST 3, 2021 Amazon’s new sleep tracking technology proposes to cast an “electromagnetic bubble” over customers, monitoring their movements throughout the night in an attempt to improve quality of rest. Critics have already raised multiple concerns, from exactly what Amazon intends to do with the data it collects about...
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Source Dariusz Leszczynski: As I have informed in my earlier post, at the BioEM2021 will take place a workshop on EHS issue , EHS workshop at BioEM2021: Sensitivity to EMF: The Present and The Future. In that post was presented program of the EHS workshop and brief outlines for the presentations by Martin Röösli, Maël Dieudonné and...
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Source By Ray Le Maistre, Aug 6, 2021 Network operators will need to densify their 5G networks‘Street furniture’ such as light poles will play a key roleEarly examples are already operationalRegulators, cities and vendors are working to make deployments possible As mobile operators densify their radio access networks to put 5G’s capabilities to their full...
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Jhih-Syuan Wang, Mao-Ning Tuanmu, Chih-Ming Hung, Effects of artificial light at night on the nest-site selection, reproductive success and behavior of a synanthropic bird, Environmental Pollution, Volume 288, 2021, 117805, ISSN 0269-7491, Abstract Understanding how artificial light at night (ALAN) impacts wildlife is increasingly important because more and more species are colonizing urban areas. As most of the bird studies on...
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M. Nedelcu, V. Niţu and T. Petrescu, “Evaluation of electromagnetic field exposure in indoor spaces where there are located base stations with distributed antenna system,” 2021 International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems (ISSCS), 2021, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ISSCS52333.2021.9497401. Abstract: In the context of the future development of the 5G (fifth generation) network, this paper focuses...
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