
August 12, 2021
Source Note added by EMFSA: This study is about power-line ELF-EMF Extract There is a growing concern that the decline in pollinators spells problems for humans. However, there is debate as to what causes decline in e.g. bee populations. What modifications to environment, introduced by humans, cause death and misbehavior of bees. Many claim...
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Erdmann, W., Kmita, H., Kosicki, J.Z. et al. How the Geomagnetic Field Influences Life on Earth – An Integrated Approach to Geomagnetobiology. Orig Life Evol Biosph (2021). Abstract Earth is one of the inner planets of the Solar System, but – unlike the others – it has an oxidising atmosphere, relatively stable temperature, and a constant geomagnetic field...
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Governments and companies urgently need to share data on the mounting volume of satellites and debris orbiting Earth.— nature (@Nature) August 11, 2021 EDITORIAL 11 August 2021 Governments and companies urgently need to share data on the mounting volume of satellites and debris orbiting Earth. There’s an awful lot of stuff orbiting Earth, with...
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