
July 2021
Shuyi Shao, Huanqiang Zhao, Zhiying Lu, Xiaohong Lei, Ying Zhang, Circadian Rhythms Within the Female HPG Axis: From Physiology to Etiology, Endocrinology, Volume 162, Issue 8, August 2021, bqab117, Abstract Declining female fertility has become a global health concern. It results partially from an abnormal circadian clock caused by unhealthy diet and sleep habits in modern...
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Panagopoulos, Dimitris J.. “Comments on Pall’s “Millimeter (MM) wave and microwave frequency radiation produce deeply penetrating effects: the biology and the physics”” Reviews on Environmental Health, vol. , no. , 2021, pp. 000010151520210090. Limited preview of this publication To the Editor, Pall [1] speaks of a “mechanism” by which Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) exert forces on the...
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IMPACT OF LIGHT POLLUTION ON DIFFERENT TAXA OF MIGRATORY SPECIES(Prepared by Ms. Laetitia Nunny on behalf of the CMS Secretariat) Extract 1.1.3 Biological impacts of light pollutionOrganisms have evolved under consistent light conditions with day and night, lunar cycles and seasonality (Seymoure, 2018). Natural light is used by wildlife as a resource and to gain...
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La Morgia C, Carelli V, Sadun AA. Retina and melanopsin neurons. Handb Clin Neurol. 2021;179:315-329. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-819975-6.00020-0. PMID: 34225972. Abstract Melanopsin retinal ganglion cells (mRGCs) are the third class of retinal photoreceptors with unique anatomical, electrophysiological, and biological features. There are different mRGC subtypes with differential projections to the brain. These cells contribute to many...
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Source: The U.S. National Science Foundation commissioned a study by the independent science advisory group JASON to assess the impact of current and planned large satellite constellations on astronomical observations in 2020. The charge for JASON was to: Understand the types and numbers of spacecraft planned for launch in the next decade.Understand the current...
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Source: Matt Kapko Editor July 8, 2021 5G was on the lips of almost every speaker and attendee at MWC Barcelona, but evidence of what the technology has done in a meaningful way for any person or organization to date remains lacking. The world’s first mobile 5G networks were deployed two years ago and everyone in the industry...
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9th of July 2021 The GSMA called on regulators across the globe to boost mid-band spectrum availability, cautioning without additional allocations meeting United Nations (UN) internet speed targets could cost billions of dollars more per city and have a higher carbon footprint. A study commissioned by the organisation and undertaken by Coleago Consulting estimated the...
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30-06-2021 Telecommunication networks use radio-frequency electromagnetic fields to enable wireless communication. These networks have evolved over time, and have been launched in successive generations. The fifth generation of telecommunication networks will operate at frequencies that were not commonly used in previous generations, changing the exposure of wildlife to these waves. This report reviews the literature...
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Acharya SR, Shin YC, Moon DH and Pahari S (2021) Electromagnetic Field Exposure in Kindergarten Children: Responsive Health Risk Concern. Front. Pediatr. 9:694407. doi: 10.3389/fped.2021.694407 Long-term exposure to physical agents can be detrimental to children due to their vulnerability. This study aimed to assess and compare the electromagnetic field (EMF) exposure level around the kindergartens from the...
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Nature EDITORIAL 29 June 2021 Nature 595, 7 (2021) doi: A low-carbon future rests on an essential, yet also problematic, technology. Lithium-ion rechargeable batteries — already widely used in laptops and smartphones — will be the beating heart of electric vehicles and much else. They are also needed to help power the world’s electric grids, because...
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