
April 4, 2021
Carter B, Justin HS, Gulick D and Gamsby JJ (2021) The Molecule Clock and Neurodegenerative Disease: A Stressful Time. Front. Mol. Biosci. 8:644747. doi: 10.3389/fmolb.2021.644747 Circadian rhythm dysfunction occurs in both common and rare neurodegenerative diseases. This dysfunction manifests as sleep cycle mistiming, alterations in body temperature rhythms, and an increase in symptomatology during the early evening...
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Source: A piece of debris from a SpaceX launch has turned up on someone’s farm in central Washington, local authorities reported Friday (April 2) — about one week after the falling rocket debris sparked reports of “shooting stars” the U.S. Pacific Northwest.  According to the Grant County Sheriff’s Office, the recovered object appears to be...
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