
March 24, 2021
Janjić, K., Agis, H. Chronodentistry: the role & potential of molecular clocks in oral medicine. BMC Oral Health 19, 32 (2019). Abstract Molecular clocks help organisms to adapt important physiological functions to periodically changing conditions in the environment. These include the adaption of the 24 h sleep-wake rhythm to changes of day and night. The circadian clock is...
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IGNIR offers science-based advice and guidance on the health and environmental effects of man-made non-ionising radiation.  Its aim is to protect people and the environment from detrimental exposure to man-made EMF pollution, and comprises three functions:To provide advice about appropriate safety levels for man-made electromagnetic exposureTo assess published guidelines on man-made electromagnetic exposure and make...
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MAR 23 2021 A modern network security approach is needed as agencies prepare to roll out 5G wireless networks to support their missions. Source: by John Davis Retired U.S. Army Major General John Davis is vice president and federal chief security officer for Palo Alto Networks, where he is responsible for expanding cybersecurity initiatives...
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Mosavat M, Mirsanjari M, Arabiat D, Smyth A, Whitehead L. The Role of Sleep Curtailment on Leptin Levels in Obesity and Diabetes Mellitus. Obes Facts. 2021 Mar 23:1-8. doi: 10.1159/000514095. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33756469. Abstract Emerging evidence has identified sleep as a significant, but modifiable, risk factor for metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and obesity....
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