
March 22, 2021
Giavi, S., Fontaine, C. & Knop, E. Impact of artificial light at night on diurnal plant-pollinator interactions. Nat Commun 12, 1690 (2021). Abstract Artificial light at night has rapidly spread around the globe over the last decades. Evidence is increasing that it has adverse effects on the behavior, physiology, and survival of animals and plants with consequences...
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Source: Article Following the publication of the above systematic review and meta‑analysis, an interested reader drew to the Editor’s attention that there were potentially a number of concerns associated with the eight source papers on which the study had been based. Two of the studies were considered to have been based on 50 Hz electromagnetic...
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Presenter: James Lech (PhD candidate, multidisciplinary and quantum biology researcher). Mr Lech is the recipient of numerous South African and international awards. Topics ⦿5G – why will South Africa be experiencing very different health effects to the rest of the world? ⦿The Magnetico – pseudoscience or not? Date: 28th of March Time: 3pm (SAST) Cost: free For more...
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Source: National Law Review Brown v. Los Angeles Unified School Dist., 2021 WL 631030 (Cal. Ct. App. 2021) Laurie Brown, a teacher at Millikan Middle School, alleged she experienced chronic pain, which was allegedly caused by a new Wi-Fi system the school had installed.  Brown’s medical provider diagnosed her with “electromagnetic hypersensitivity sensitivity” (EHS).  Brown...
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Source: Posted on March 22, 2021 Below is the next in a series of Guest Blogs on BRHP. The opinions expressed in this Guest Blog are of Victor Leach of ORSAA himself. Publication of these opinions in BRHP does not imply that BRHP automatically agrees with or endorses these opinions. Publication of this, and other guest blogs, facilitates an...
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