
March 9, 2021
Hunt RD, Ashbaugh RC, Reimers M, Udpa L, Saldana De Jimenez G, Moore M, et al. (2021) Swimming direction of the glass catfish is responsive to magnetic stimulation. PLoS ONE 16(3): e0248141. Abstract Several marine species have developed a magnetic perception that is essential for navigation and detection of prey and predators. One of...
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Sohn SY, Krasnoff L, Rees P, Kalk NJ and Carter B (2021) The Association Between Smartphone Addiction and Sleep: A UK Cross-Sectional Study of Young Adults. Front. Psychiatry 12:629407. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.629407 Background: In a large UK study we investigated the relationship between smartphone addiction and sleep quality in a young adult population. Methods: We undertook a large UK cross-sectional...
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ICASA notes the outcome of Telkom’s application to interdict ICASA from proceeding with the auction process in terms of the Invitation To Apply (“ITA”) for high demand spectrum as well as the ITA for the Wireless Open Access Network (“WOAN”) both of which were issued on 2 October 2020. Pretoria – The Independent Communications Authority...
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Source: Connecting Africa by Paula Gilbert, Editor, Connecting Africa 3/9/2021 South Africa’s long-awaited spectrum auction has once again hit a major speed bump after local operator Telkom won a court interdict to stop the auction process, which was supposed to take place at the end of this month. The Independent Communications Authority of South Africa...
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Facer-Childs ER, Middleton B, Skene DJ, Bagshaw AP. Resetting the late timing of ‘night owls’ has a positive impact on mental health and performance. Sleep Med. 2019 Aug;60:236-247. doi: 10.1016/j.sleep.2019.05.001. Epub 2019 May 10. PMID: 31202686 Abstract Background: There is conflict between living according to our endogenous biological rhythms and our external environment, with disruptions resulting...
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