
January 24, 2021
Thomas Jefferson University 01.15.21 Researchers find that CRY-1, a regulator of circadian rhythms, promotes tumor progression by altering DNA repair. PHILADELPHIA – Our biological or circadian clock synchronizes all our bodily processes to the natural rhythms of light and dark. It’s no wonder then that disrupting the clock can wreak havoc on our body. In fact, studies...
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Pooja Negi & Rajeev Singh (2021) Association between reproductive health and nonionizing radiation exposure, Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine, DOI: 10.1080/15368378.2021.1874973 ABSTRACT Recently, a decreasing rate of fertility has to be credited to an array of factors such as environmental, health and lifestyle. Male infertility is likely to be affected by the strong exposure to heat and radiations. The most common...
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