
December 20, 2020
María Antonia Martínez, Alejandro Úbeda & María Ángeles Trillo (2020) Role of NADPH oxidase in MAPK signaling activation by a 50 Hz magnetic field in human neuroblastoma cells, Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine, DOI: 10.1080/15368378.2020.1851250 ABSTRACT Our previous studies have shown that intermittent exposure to a 50-Hz, 100-µT sine wave magnetic field (MF) promotes human NB69 cell proliferation, mediated by activation...
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As we look back on 2020:  We are deeply grateful for the tremendous support, encouraging and positive correspondence and comments. Some of you we have known for years, some only a short time. We appreciate you all. We thank our associate James Lech, who despite his busy schedule, made time for our monthly webinars. We wish you...
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Rodrigues, N.C.P.; Dode, A.C.; Andrade, M.K.D.N.; O’Dwyer, G.; Monteiro, D.L.M.; Reis, I.N.C.; Rodrigues, R.P.; Frossard, V.C.; Lino, V.T.S. The Effect of Continuous Low Intensity Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields from Radio Base Stations to Cancer Mortality in Brazil. Preprints 2020, 2020120381 (doi: 10.20944/preprints202012.0381.v1). This version is not peer-reviewed. An ecological study. Abstract Background This study aims to estimate...
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French Media Reports ‣France24news: A carbon footprint not neutral, warns the High Council for the climate (Auto translated from French) In a report published on Saturday, December 19, the HCC sounded the alarm. The independent authority believes that the deployment of 5G in France, which began this fall, risks not only increasing electricity consumption, but...
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