
September 2020
Staff Writer 30 September 2020 Source: An electronic communications network service licensee has the right to enter upon any land to construct electronic communications networks and facilities. This was feedback from Communications Minister Stella Ndabeni-Abrahams who was answering a question in Parliament from the ACDP’s Wayne Maxim Thring. Thring questioned Ndabeni-Abrahams on a new policy that...
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Source: JAMES BARTON 30 SEPTEMBER 2020 Three major Israeli operators have launched commercial 5G services after being issued licences by the country’s government. Israel’s Ministry of Communications (MoC) has awarded the concessions following last month’s auction of 5G-capable spectrum frequencies, in which HOT Mobile and Partner Communications joined forces to acquire a licence, with...
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Source: TRISTAN KIRK Courts Correspondent The government’s rollout of the 5G mobile network is facing a High Court legal challenge amid safety fears around the new generation of phone masts. Ministers announced in July it was relaxing planning permission requirements for the extension and upgrade of phone masts around the country, to accelerate the implementation of the 5G network. Today, a judicial...
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Our September 2020 newsletter is available at: Don’t miss out on our October webinars, details in the newsletter.
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Source This presentation summarizes research on the biologic and health effects from exposure to radio frequency radiation emitted by cell phones and cell towers and discusses the implications of this research for 5G, fifth generation cellular technology. The talk was presented on September 24, 2020 by Dr. Joel Moskowitz at the Occupational and Environmental Medicine Grand...
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Joel M. Moskowitz PhD This presentation summarizes research on the biologic and health effects from radio frequency radiation with a focus on cell phone and cell tower emissions. The implications of this research for the safety of fifth generation cellular technology, 5G, are discussed. The talk was presented via Zoom by Joel M. Moskowitz, Ph.D.,...
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Núñez-Enríquez JC, Correa-Correa V, Flores-Lujano J, et al. Extremely Low-Frequency Magnetic Fields and the Risk of Childhood B-Lineage Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in a City With High Incidence of Leukemia and Elevated Exposure to ELF Magnetic Fields [published online ahead of print, 2020 Sep 23]. Bioelectromagnetics. 2020;10.1002/bem.22295. doi:10.1002/bem.22295 Abstract It is important to study the relationship between...
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Preparing South African students for a 5G future 4IR technologies include: artificial intelligence, autonomous vehicles, advanced biotechnology, robotics, the Internet of Things, blockchain, speedy connectivity in the form of 5G and Wi-Fi 6, and 3D printing. 5G is an integral technology that will be necessary for these to fulfil their potential within the 4IR.   Images:...
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Source: Staff Writer 29 September 2020 Gupta-linked companies that were used for kickbacks for state tenders donated R10 million to the ANC shortly before the 2014 elections, News24 reported. What makes this report noteworthy to the IT community is that a large portion of the kickbacks paid to these companies came from Neotel, now known...
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Auto translated from French See the ANFR diagram at the above link. The French National Frequency Agency has published the results of its study on radiation exposure created by mobile telephony (Mobile telephony: wireless phones that connect to phone towers to perform calls). This simulation, which takes into account the evolution of 4G and the arrival of 5G, tends...
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