
July 18, 2020
Source What if you were only able to leave a room once a year? People with environmental illnesses suffer from extreme sensitivities to chemicals. And the medical community has been slow to recognize something from which millions of Americans suffer. What is known about these mysterious illnesses? And what support is available for people...
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Charoenngam, N.; Holick, M.F. Immunologic Effects of Vitamin D on Human Health and Disease. Nutrients 2020, 12, 2097. Abstract Vitamin D is responsible for regulation of calcium and phosphate metabolism and maintaining a healthy mineralized skeleton. It is also known as an immunomodulatory hormone. Experimental studies have shown that 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D, the active form of vitamin D, exerts...
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Samsung Research has published a 6G white paper, outlining the company’s vision on the next generation of mobile technology. The paper describes Samsung’s view of how 6G may be developed into the next mobile technology standard, with mass adoption expected from around 2030. The research group expects 6G to enable novel applications such as immersive...
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Source: 16 JUL 2020 By Linda Nordling Treasury’s ultimatum to science department: Slash your budgets or we’ll cut them for you Thousands of postgraduate and PhD grants. Hundreds of research grants. The National Science Week. Research chairs and centres of excellence. These are some of the victims of South Africa’s pandemic budget cuts unveiled...
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Source: 30 June 2020 By Prof. Johan Meyer, D.Eng: Electrical and Electronics. The Fourth Industrial Revolution, with all the opportunities it brings, is arguably driven forward by the ability it gives us of being connected. Any opportunity comes with its own set of associated challenges and the Fourth Industrial Revolution will not be spared....
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Source: July 17 2020 by Dennis Sellers U.S. District Judge William Alsup has ordered Apple to hand over its Federal Communications Commission correspondence to consumers who allege iPhones emit dangerous levels of radiation, after asking Apple during a hearing if it was “afraid” the public would be “horrified” at the information, reports Law360 (a...
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Oncol Lett. 2019 Nov; 18(5): 5383–5391.Published online 2019 Sep 20. doi: 10.3892/ol.2019.10899 PMCID: PMC6781513 PMID: 31612047 Abstract Radiofrequency (RF) radiation in the frequency range of 30–300 GHz has, since 2011, been classified as a ‘possible’ human carcinogen by Group 2B, International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) at WHO. This was based on a number of human epidemiology studies...
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Included in this coverage is the tower below, located next to a primary school. This tower is equipped with both MTN and Rain 5G antennas. Image: EMFSA Rain 5G launched in Cape Town – Here is where you can get it
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