
January 27, 2020
(Auto translated from French) The deployment of the “5th generation” communication technology promises innovative services based on new infrastructure. These technological developments will modify the methods of exposure of the population, and will require adapting the measurement and evaluation methods. As part of the deployment of 5G planned for the end of the year in France, ANSES...
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Ronald N. Kostoff, Paul Heroux, Michael Aschner, Aristides Tsatsakis, Adverse health effects of 5G mobile networking technology under real-life conditions, Toxicology Letters, Volume 323, 2020, Pages 35-40, ISSN 0378-4274, Abstract This article identifies adverse effects of non-ionizing non-visible radiation (hereafter called wireless radiation) reported in the premier biomedical literature. It emphasizes that most of the laboratory experiments conducted to...
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