
January 22, 2020
Kenji Obayashi, Yuki Yamagami, Shinobu Tatsumi, Norio Kurumatani, Keigo Saeki, Indoor light pollution and progression of carotid atherosclerosis: A longitudinal study of the HEIJO-KYO cohort, Environment International, Volume 133, Part B, 2019, 105184, ISSN 0160-4120, ( Abstract Exposure to light at inappropriate times in relation to the solar cycle can disturb circadian endocrine and...
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Zradziński, P.; Karpowicz, J.; Gryz, K.; Ramos, V. An Evaluation of Electromagnetic Exposure While Using Ultra-High Frequency Radiofrequency Identification (UHF RFID) Guns. Sensors 2020, 20, 202. Abstract The aim is to evaluate specific absorption rate (SAR) values from exposure near handheld ultra-high frequency radiofrequency identification readers (UHF RFID guns—small electronic devices, or even portable computers with relevant...
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Genetic Susceptibility and RF Radiation Modulate Thyroid Cancer January 21, 2020 Last January, a team led by Yawei Zhang of the Yale School of Public Health in New Haven published an epidemiological study on the possible link between thyroid cancer and cell phones. Though some “suggestive” associations were seen among long-term users, none was statistically significant. Still, the results...
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