
November 2019
Curr Top Med Chem. 2019 Nov 17. doi: 10.2174/1568026619666191118110155. [Epub ahead of print] Abstract Abstract BACKGROUND: Sleep disorders have emerged as potential cancer risk factors. OBJECTIVE: This review discusses the relationships between sleep, obesity, and breathing disorders with concomitant risks of developing cancer. RESULTS: Sleep disorders result in an abnormal expression of clock genes, decreased immunity,...
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Source: Campaigners want government agencies and companies to turn off the lights so citizens can rediscover the beauty of darkness. SOPHIE KNIGHT NOVEMBER 18, 2019 AMSTERDAM—As winter creeps across the Northern Hemisphere and daylight hours dwindle, it can be hard to appreciate the long, dark nights. But in the Netherlands, there’s a national campaign to...
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Hardell L: [Comment] Notes on parliament hearing in Tallinn, Estonia June 4, 2019 as regards the deployment of the fifth generation, 5G, of wireless communication. World Acad Sci J 1: 275-282, 2019 Abstract The fifth generation (5G) for wireless communication is about to be deployed worldwide in spite of no thorough studies being made on...
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Source: © ITU 2019 OVERVIEW Although half of the global population is already connected to the Internet, there is a need for greater broadband connectivity and telecommunication services in communities, rural and remote areas that are undeserved. High-altitude platform station (HAPS) systems can potentially be used to provide both fixed broadband connectivity for end users and...
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Source: 11.18.2019 Trying to solve poverty, crime, and disease with (often biased) technology doesn’t address their root causes. Excerpt: “While AI for good programs often warrant genuine excitement, they should also invite increased scrutiny. Good intentions are not enough when it comes to deploying AI for those in greatest need. In fact, the fanfare...
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Slides of lecture Leszczynski New Zealand Lectures November 2019 at the Auckland University, Nov. 19, 2019. Source:
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Source: By Mark Huffman 08/12/2019 Consumer Affairs The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has encountered another roadblock in its effort to speed the rollout of 5G wireless service. A federal court has ruled that the agency overstepped its bounds when it tried to exempt 5G cell sites from environmental impact and historic preservation reviews. The FCC is...
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PUBLISHED MON, NOV 18 Michael Sheetz The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) announced on Monday that it will publicly auction off a valuable telecommunications asset, in a move investors viewed as a blow to U.S. satellite communications provider Intelsat. Shares of Intelsat dropped 40% in heavy trading volume after FCC Chairman Ajit Pai said in a tweet that his...
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PUBLISHED SAT, NOV 16 2019 Kate Fazzini More than 6,500 government officials and big players in the energy sector came together this week to conduct a simulated cyberattack on the electrical grid. The event is called GridEx, and takes place every two years. It imagines the U.S. under attack from a foreign country, through the...
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