
November 18, 2019
Source: By Mark Huffman 08/12/2019 Consumer Affairs The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has encountered another roadblock in its effort to speed the rollout of 5G wireless service. A federal court has ruled that the agency overstepped its bounds when it tried to exempt 5G cell sites from environmental impact and historic preservation reviews. The FCC is...
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PUBLISHED MON, NOV 18 Michael Sheetz The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) announced on Monday that it will publicly auction off a valuable telecommunications asset, in a move investors viewed as a blow to U.S. satellite communications provider Intelsat. Shares of Intelsat dropped 40% in heavy trading volume after FCC Chairman Ajit Pai said in a tweet that his...
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PUBLISHED SAT, NOV 16 2019 Kate Fazzini More than 6,500 government officials and big players in the energy sector came together this week to conduct a simulated cyberattack on the electrical grid. The event is called GridEx, and takes place every two years. It imagines the U.S. under attack from a foreign country, through the...
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18 Nov 2019 In July 2019 (updated in September 2019), the French Public Health Agency “Santé Publique France“, together with the Francim cancer registries, the Hospices Civils de Lyon and the Institut National du Cancer, published national estimates of cancer incidence and mortality in metropolitan France between 1990 and 2018. These are based on the...
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Article by Molly Callahan November 15, 2019 Snippet: In 2018, a Russian state-run news agency announced that Russian forces had deployed a remote-controlled robotic tank to Syria. Despite all this, Haner and Garcia found that there is little oversight or regulation when it comes to developing autonomous weapons, and even less public discourse about it. “These things are happening...
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By LILLY NGUYEN NOV. 13, 2019 During a nearly three-hour hearing on possible municipal code amendments aimed at bringing Laguna Beach into compliance with federal rules, residents made one thing clear to the City Council — they don’t want 5G in their town. Council members heard that message loud and clear and directed city staff...
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