
October 6, 2019
Gang Yu, Zeping Tang, Hui Chen, Zhiyuan Chen, Lei Wang, Hui Cao, Gang Wang, Jiansheng Xing, Haotao Shen, Qing Cheng, Donghui Li, Guoren Wang, Yang Xiang, Yupeng Guan, Yabing Zhu, Zhenxiang Liu, Zhiming Bai, Long-term exposure to 4G smartphone radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation diminished male reproductive potential by directly disrupting Spock3–MMP2-BTB axis in the testes of...
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Source: Since 2010, the scientific literature has exploded with research examining light’s effects on individual species, from birds to fish to trees to humans. The news, in general, isn’t good. Artificial light changes animal migration and reproduction, tree leaf growth, bird nesting and fledging, pollination, human sleep, and much more. It even affects the...
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