
September 2019
Interview with Prof. Martin Pall on the lack of risk assessment in 5G and EMF, the burden of Wi-Fi and pulsation.
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Translated from German: Since Friday, new 5G-enabled mobile phones are expected at the International Consumer Electronics Fair (IFA) in Berlin. The new mobile radio standard links many positive expectations. At the same time, however, concerns about possible health risks are also expressed. In a press release, the Federal Office for Radiation Protection in Salzgitter provides comprehensive information on...
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Every cell in your body connects with just light. Learn what circadian medicine focuses on and where medical efforts are being put to solving some of humanity’s biggest health crises today. From the stars above to the molecular biology that lies at the centre of all living things, Circadian Medicine will help us understand and...
Read More Abstract In this study, the effects of low-level, GSM emitted ElectroMagnetic Field (EMF) on Amyloid Precursor Protein (APP) and alpha-synuclein (α-syn) in human neuroblastoma cells was investigated. Our data indicated alterations on APP processing and cellular topology, following EMF exposure (ℇ = 10.51 V/m, SAR = 0.23 W/kg, exposure time: 3 times, for 10 min, for 2 days). Furthermore, changes in...
Read More   Health Physics: May 2020 – Volume 118 – Issue 5 – p 525-532 doi: 10.1097/HP.0000000000001137
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Oregon Senate Bill 283 was signed into law on August 9, 2019 by the Governor Kate Brown. It orders the review of the independent peer-reviewed literature on the health effects from microwave radiation. Final Bill text:
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FRANCE:  The National Frequency Agency (ANSES) is an administrative public institution established by the Telecommunications Regulatory Act of 26 July 1996, with the mission of managing the radio spectrum in France. PUBLIC CONSULTATION ON THE EVOLUTION OF ANFR REFERENCE DOCUMENTS FOR TAKING INTO ACCOUNT THE PUBLIC EXPOSURE TO ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES IN 5G 09/03/2019 The fifth...
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Environ Res. 2019 Aug 24;178:108688. doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2019.108688. [Epub ahead of print] Carpenter DO1. Author information 1 Institute for Health and the Environment, University at Albany, A Collaborating Centre of the World Health Organization, 5 University Place, Room A 217, Rensselaer, NY, N 12144, USA. Electronic address: Abstract While there has been evidence indicating that excessive...
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The Circadian Clock, Transcriptional Feedback and the Regulation of Gene Expression. The 2017 Nobel Lectures in Physiology or Medicine were held on 7 December at the Aula Medica, Karolinska Institutet.
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