
July 2019
Source: A base station has been erected on Matroosberg, the Western Cape’s second-highest mountain, according to a report in the Sunday Times. The report stated that the structure is made from concrete, will hold an 8-metre mast, and that authorities have no definitive answer as to how it got there. CapeNature officials, who are responsible for...
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Source: JUL 08, 2019 Communities Are Having a Hard Time Keeping Up with Wiring Permits For the Wall Street Journal article “The Downside of 5G: Overwhelmed Cities, Torn-Up Streets, a Decade Until Completion,” Best Best & Krieger LLP Partner Gerry Lederer discussed the impact of 5G  on communities. In an interview with the newspaper, the telecommunications law attorney...
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Source: Article by Oliver Wainwright. Monday 8th July 2019 The urge to build cities from scratch is not new – but this time they are being conceived by private multinational corporations as gilt-edged tax-exempt gated communities. Extracts: Songdo, South Korea’s self-styled “smart city”: A place where the garbage is automatically sucked away through underground pipes,...
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Source: Thursday, July 11, 2019 Telecommunications network provider MTN’s Zakhele Futhi’s scheme has been found to be inconsistent with South Africa’s Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment (BBBEE) Act. The BBBEE Commission on Thursday announced that the scheme, which was announced by MTN on 12 September 2016, is inconsistent with the act that provides a legislative framework for...
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Link to the website Wireless Risk Assessment: Link to the flyer that includes different types of advice, information on cancer, fertility, mental health, behaviour and the brain, as well as actions and links to find out more;
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What ICNIRP is saying:   Eric Van Rongen, ICNIRP Chair Eric Van Rongen: “ICNIRP establishes whether health effects have been found and, on the basis of that, sets its limits. That is done with a large degree of conservatism. While many 5G pilots are already under way, ICNIRP is reviewing its own mobile technology-related radiation...
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Timothy Schoechle, PhD is an international consultant in computer and communications engineering and policy based in Boulder, Colorado. He is a Senior Research Fellow of the National Institute For Science, Law and Public Policy (NISLAPP). PDF Conclusion Some combination of 5G/4G may well become part of the wireless access network over the coming decade. However,...
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Inefficient conversion of RF to digital and continuous connectivity issues are causing thermal problems, threatening signal integrity and reliability. MAY 7TH, 2019 – BY: KEVIN FOGARTY At this point there are many unknowns. Heat is just one more issue, although it is an important one. But how that gets resolved may depend on a lot of other...
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UNESCO Published on Jun 21, 2019 How is  AI changing our world? Why should each of us care about it? What would be our future with AI? Four experts talk about ethical questions of AI such as self-driving cars, job loss, data bias, gender issues, minority populations, human vulnerability, international cooperation and lessons from the...
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