
July 10, 2019
Timothy Schoechle, PhD is an international consultant in computer and communications engineering and policy based in Boulder, Colorado. He is a Senior Research Fellow of the National Institute For Science, Law and Public Policy (NISLAPP). PDF Conclusion Some combination of 5G/4G may well become part of the wireless access network over the coming decade. However,...
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Inefficient conversion of RF to digital and continuous connectivity issues are causing thermal problems, threatening signal integrity and reliability. MAY 7TH, 2019 – BY: KEVIN FOGARTY At this point there are many unknowns. Heat is just one more issue, although it is an important one. But how that gets resolved may depend on a lot of other...
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UNESCO Published on Jun 21, 2019 How is  AI changing our world? Why should each of us care about it? What would be our future with AI? Four experts talk about ethical questions of AI such as self-driving cars, job loss, data bias, gender issues, minority populations, human vulnerability, international cooperation and lessons from the...
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