
October 2018
On Tuesday October 9, Derrick Broze spoke to Houston City Council about the dangers of blindly supporting the 5G technology roll out.  
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11.10.2018 Erf 80708, 47 Fourth Road, Heathfield, Cape Town Telkom appealed the High Court Judgement of the 10th of May 2018 that found the above cell tower to be unlawful. However this application instituted by Telkom against the City of Cape Town was dismissed by the High Court. Telkom has now appealed for leave to...
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Seoul National University Hospital (SNUH) said a team at its Institute of Environmental Medicine, Medical Research Center, is conducting a birth cohort study on environmental influence on people from fetal to adolescence period. Its purpose is to identify precisely the effects and harmful effects of various environmentally hazardous substances. There have been constant debates on...
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Published on October 10, 2018 Credit for this post: Dr Pri Bandara Consultant/educator/speaker – Environmental Health Human exposure to man-made non-ionizing radiation (NIR) has skyrocketed over the last few decades. The prime example is microwave range radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation (RF-EMR) that has increased by over 10 to the 18 times from extremely low natural...
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Researchers at the California Department of Health say using cell phones in areas with weak reception can result in microwave radiation emissions that are 10,000 times higher than in areas with strong reception. The study, made public this week, is being published in the journal Environmental Research, and it suggests consumers should take extra precautions...
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The draft Policy Direction has been published in the Government Gazette: After considering public comments, the minister will issue a final Policy Direction to ICASA which will enable them to start their processes for licensing. Interested persons have until 8 November 2018 to provide written comments on the policy and policy direction. Dr Cwele...
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Screen Time Colorado Published on Jun 5, 2017 Link to the full video: Link to the website: A slide from the presentation:
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Via Cece Doucette Technology Safety Educator Ashland, MA Understanding EMFs Wireless Education All talks are less than 10 minutes for easy sharing; Q&A are also included (sincere thanks to health journalist Nick Pineault, for clipping most of these): The Backstory: This summer I was honored to be asked to co-chair a technology panel at the...
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  Dr. Marc Arazi  emphasized the global public health challenge for mobile phone users of this new industrial scandal. The PowerPoint presentation by Dr Arazi is available at the above link.   Selection of slides from the presentation – credit Dr Arazi.
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