
July 2018
Re – posted from   Whether your phone is on this list or not (only some mobile phones have been tested by ANFR), the solution to protect yourself and your children and/or your grandchildren, is simple and effective: keep your mobile phone away from your body! (note by EMFSA: and head!) For the list see...
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Source: Technologies which emit radiofrequency signals are commonly used in schools and other workplaces. Concerns have been expressed by scientists and doctors about the possible harmful effects which the signals may be having on our health, based on scientific evidence. Of particular concern are the possible effects on foetal development and on children and...
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Posted on June 29, 2018 by Our press briefing was held Thursday 28 June 2018 in Paris.  Dr. Marc Arazi, President of the NGO, Phonegate Alert, together with two members of the scientific committee, Dr. Devra Davis (USA), President of the NGO, the Environmental Health Trust, and Dr. Annie Sasco, former chief of a...
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Citizens ask the Ministry of Health for a moratorium on the implementation of 5G technology (Photo: EP) By MDO / E.P. Saturday, June 30, 2018, 6:01 p.m. Associations of Neighbors of Madrid protested this Saturday in front of the Ministry of Health to request a moratorium on  the implantation of the 5G technology  because...
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