
In French: Cahier de la recherche n°20: “Radiofrequencies and health – Understanding where research stands (PDF)  Machine Translated by Google: ANSES – Research Papers No 20 – Health, Environment, Labor – November 2022 Radiofrequencies and Health: Understand where the research stands May 2021-November 2022 ANSES and the health effects of radiofrequencies (translated) Development of communications...
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Source: Phonegate Alert 13 Jul 2022 To date, 30 different models of mobile phones with non compliant SARs have been either withdrawn from the French market or have had their Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) updated by software. Read more at:
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Source: Cédric Leterme 28/07/2020 Almost everyone is convinced that Africa’s economic and social development is dependent upon its “digital transformation”. Yet the continent is already paying a heavy social, economic and maybe above all environmental price for the development of these technologies. Under these conditions, can we imagine a digital development that is both...
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NOTE: Preprint Article Version 1 This version is not peer-reviewed STEFI, A.; SKOUROLIAKOU, K.; MARGARITIS, L.; VASSILACOPOULOU, D. Pulsed Telecommunication Signals of Non-ionizing Radiation Affect Amyloid Precursor Protein and α-Synuclein Metabolism in Non-neural Human Cells. Preprints 2020, 2020080587 (doi: 10.20944/preprints202008.0587.v1). Abstract The expanding use of devices emitting Pulsed Telecommunication Signals (PTS) has launched a serious debate over the...
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Yu G, Tang Z, Chen H, Chen Z, Wang L, Cao H, Wang G, Xing J, Shen H, Cheng Q, Li D, Wang G, Xiang Y, Guan Y, Zhu Y, Liu Z, Bai Z. Long-term exposure to 4G smartphone radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation diminished male reproductive potential by directly disrupting Spock3-MMP2-BTB axis in the testes of...
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Rascalou A, Lamartine J, Poydenot P, Demarne F, Bechetoille N. Mitochondrial damage and cytoskeleton reorganization in human dermal fibroblasts exposed to artificial visible light similar to screen-emitted light. J Dermatol Sci. 2018 May 5:S0923-1811(18)30213-5. doi: 10.1016/j.jdermsci.2018.04.018. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 29764717.
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Berkeley Cell Phone “Right to Know” Ordinance Electromagnetic Radiation Safety On the April 21, 2017,the city of Berkeley won a major decision in a federal appeals court. The court denied a request by the CTIA-The Wireless Association to block Berkeley’s landmark cell phone “right to know” ordinance. Berkeley’s ordinance which has been in effect...
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Summary of Meeting of ECERI Delegation with WHO on Electromagnetic Fields, 3 March 2017 ECERI Newsletter no.5, March 2017 (European Cancer and Environment Research Institute) EDITO The meeting with WHO’s representatives and a delegation from the ECERI this month stands as a major turning point for our Institute. This opens a new opportunity for...
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