Translated from German: The Study Overview (Review) “Biological and Pathological Effects of the 2.45 GHz on Cells, Fertility, Brain and Behavior”, written by Isabel Wilke was published in the journal Umwelt-Medicine-Gesellschaft. ( 1/2018)
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This review documents more than 100 studies that detect health risks of the carrier frequency 2.45 GHz and the pulsed variant WLAN/Wi-Fi. The study results regarding the risks not only advises the adoption of a precautionary policy, but it includes a danger warning: No WLAN/Wi-fi at schools!
The physicist Dr. Klaus Scheler wrote about this review: “The review was based on an intensive worldwide search and analysis of over 100 studies documenting the harmful effects of 2.45 GHz and WLAN/Wi-Fi on the following endpoints: Reproductive and fertility (18 studies and 8 Reviews), brain and brain development (12 studies), nervous system and behavior (22 studies), DNA damage and tumor risk (29 studies), cell membrane, oxidative cell stress (41 studies and 1 review), organs (heart, liver, thyroid, 7 Studies), bacteria and plants (2 studies each). It is noteworthy that most of the studies document damage, even at power flux densities and SAR values well below the limits, sometimes even at very low intensities (from whole body SAR = 0 , 1414 mW / kg, current limit: 80 mW / kg).
The review is not limited to a list of studies and their results. The reader also learns how to biologically classify the observed effects, how scientists, physicians and organizations have already responded and what conclusions need to be drawn.
The review by Isabel Wilke makes a valuable contribution to education about the health risks of mobile telephony and especially WLAN/WiFi. The explosive scientific evidence for the pathological effects of WLAN/Wi-Fi are thus accessible and comprehensible for everyone.
The review can be ordered – together with other information about ‘WLAN/Wi-Fi at schools’ – Diagnose:funk the online shop:
Review: Biological and pathological effects of radiation from
2.45 GHz on cells, fertility, brain and behavior. Wilke_Review_WLAN_180220_Leseprobe
Conclusions: Due to the extensive research situation and the negative health effects, which are found in the majority of studies, it is recommended to take measures to reduce radiation exposure. Wired solutions should be preferred.
The applicable limit and SAR values do not protect against the health risks of WLAN/Wi-Fi radiation. The negative
effects on learning, attentiveness and behavior constitute a renunciation by educational institutions of all ages
regarding Wi-Fi applications. Due to the cytotoxic effects, WLAN/Wi-Fi usage as a technology in hospitals and for
tele-medicine is not suitable. Wi-Fi should not be used in bedrooms, workplaces, lounges, sick rooms,
lecture halls, classrooms and public transport. The potential dangers of WLAN/Wi-Fi radiation
could be circumvented by testing alternative transmission techniques with other frequency bands,
like optical VLC / LiFi technology (Visible Light Communication). If you are unable to avoid WLAN/Wi-Fi,then as a temporary solution, (according to the ALARA principle): Use disconnectable and performance-controlled wireless internet access.